Tuesday, January 24, 2012



I watched as he inhaled on the cigarette.  He pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and then he exhaled.  The smoke shot upwards.  His lips formed a perfect oval. 

I closed my eyes and saw him putting my cock in his mouth and inhale my cockhead, holding it in his mouth and then exhaled as he pulled my cock out of his mouth. 

I opened my eyes and watched as he held the cigarette away from his mouth.  He slowly moved the cigarette to his lips.  He wrapped his lips around the filter of the cigarette.  I wanted the tip of my cock to rest on his lips.  He held it for a while and looked at me.  I wondered what he was thinking.

He puffed on the cigarette, in and out.  I was ready for it to be my cock instead of the cigarette.  I finished smoking my cigarette.  I knelt on the bed and looked down at him.  I held my hard cock.      

He pulled me down and we laid next to each other, naked.  He put out the cigarette and blew the last puffs of smoke up into the air.

He reached over and placed his face on my chest, wrapping his hands around me.  He smiled and said, “Ready to do it again?”

I did not answer.  He knew the answer.  It was ‘Yes’.  

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